Monday, December 3, 2012

Life of Pi – a beautiful movie of brilliant analogies…

The time we were leaving the theater, my wifey asked me if I liked the movie and I was like Not actually… I won’t be able to watch it for the 2nd time… or maybe I can… The reason being everyone including initial reels of the film talk about the experience of God but I couldn’t agree to that. It was only after a good nights’ sleep I found out following analogies and then there was no reason to not to praise the film.

1. Pi Patel represents any human being

2. Life boat represents the life of that human being.

3. Richard Parker (the royal Bengal Tiger) till the end of the film represents the mind of that human being. Till the time Richard (mind) controls Pi (human being), Pi has no control over his life boat (life) and the time Pi starts controlling Richard (mind) he gets the control of his life boat (life). Richard (mind) has the power to destroy the Pi or to make him survive. The important thing was how Pi (human) uses the Power of the Richard (his mind).

4. Pacific Ocean and all natural calamities represent the Destiny of that human. Some days he faces storm, flying fishes, whale etc (ill fate) and some day he gets to see bright sunny morning, food etc (lucky days). There is no other way that Pi (human) escapes the ocean (destiny) but to keep on trying with all his energy, brilliance and the faith on the God to get out of the ocean.

5. The unheard floating island represents the ‘Moh / Maya’ or worldly pleasures (Bhautik Sukh). Though initially it fooled Pi with abundance of food and water, very soon he realized that it is the death trap (vicious circle of birth and rebirth) and not the final destination. (Why undiscovered / unheard Island - coz moh takes different shape for each one of us)

6. Tooth of a man on that island represents the Guru or the wisdom he gained.  In absence of that he wouldn’t have left that island (Moh).

7. Shore of the Mexico represents the final destination or the Moksha. It required all possible efforts on Pi’s Part (Human) to reach the shore and then ocean (his destiny) helped him to reach the Shore (Moksha).

8. Richard Parker (the royal Bengal Tiger) at the end represents your closed pals (your parents/ friends / life partner / relatives etc). When they die or the time your account is tallied with them they leave you unceremoniously, never to look back.

My take on the film:

1. 3D - I feel there was no need for making the film in 3D. Avatar completely justifies the technique but this isn’t. I feel the analogies are so subtle that the technique overpowers the real jist.

2. Music – it dissolves in the film so well and thus helps in improving the impact of the film in our minds. (Thank god the music director has avoided any loud unnecessary music like Govinda Govinda Govinda in Sarkar) and what a brilliant understanding of Indian Music this foreigner has!

3. Intial reels / original story – there was no need of showing his faith in all religions / his juvenile love towards Anandi / story of his name for the progress of the film. Whatever small impact it had (to show his belief in God and ceremonious departure from Anandi) could have been covered from the thoughts of Irfan Khan.

4. End / original story – I would have loved to know about how Pi reached to the present day after he reached Mexico.

5. Technical fault in the plot - One doesn't matter how strong, would not be able to survive in the Pacific ocean for 200+ days considering the freezing cold temperatures in the nights. We can still understand if its an Indian Ocean.

6. Suraj Sharma – Sheer Briliance. What an actor we have got.

7. Irfan Khan – His accent disturbes because Suraj’s accent is perfect  where as he had tried to force some accent.

8. Tabbu – there was no need to rope in an actor like Tabbu for such a small role.

9. Last scene that Tiger leaves him unceremoniously. I am still shaken by it. Director’s brilliance I suppose (Novel mustn't have this end I feel)

10. Ang Lee / author of the Novel – Thank you for such a brilliant creation.