Sunday, September 22, 2013

Nirbhyaya's Case and Theory of Rebirth in Hinduism

I was deeply shattered and equally furious when juvenile accused in Nirbhaya's Rape Case in Delhi was sentenced just 5 years in remand home. Five years and that's it!!!??? Thankfully rest of the four accused were sentenced  death penalty (point to be noted here is death penalty was because Nirbhaya is no more and not because of their shameless act) but the most brutal amongst five of them -  the juvenile - would be set free in just five years even after committing such a heinous act. If he is adult enough to rape someone how could you categorize him as juvenile? HOW!!!??? and WHY???!!!

Before we proceed, let me share the story of of Dr. Norman. 

April 1952, Denver, USA

It was the pleasant summer of 1952 in Denver. Dr. Norman was at peak of his career. There was no Gastroenterologist (a doctor that specializes in the treatment of anything to do with gastro-intestinal tract of human body) in the world who could stand taller than Dr. Norman. Though in late 50's he looked not more than 30. His confident demeanor, his heartfelt smile and his baritone voice was the half cure for his patients.

His practice was in full swing and he was about to achieve what none could till that time. He wanted to carryout 1st human intestinal transplant in the world. Theoretically and technologically he was all prepared. He had successfully carried out the intestinal transplants in Guinea-pigs but quite understandably his only problem was nonavailability of the donor for the 1st ever intestinal transplant. Long wait for the donor was actually killing him. Slowly he started getting impatient and his animal instincts were suggesting something very inhumane to him.

And one day his morals  gave up. Poor Jeff was laying on the operation table before him at the state owned hospital in the heart of Denver. That hospital was famous for the treatment of  downtrodden and Dr. Norman was its regular practitioner specialist. Jeff was in his early 20's with no family and no specific income. He was admitted there by one of his distant maternal uncle due to severe appendicitis attack.

Operation of appendicitis was over with intact appendix, removed intestine and lost life. 

It was all easy for a famous Doctor like Dr. Norman to cover up the case and as such no one was there to fight for Jeff.

Later Dr. Norman did the intestinal transplant on one of the needy but it was a big failure and then soon after that Dr. Norman died of depression as he could not digest the failure.

Autumn, 1991, Delhi, India

 Everyone at Mr. Kumar's residence was happy as he was blessed with a girl child. They named her 'Surupa' (name changed). Surupa was a blessed child. She was a rare combination of beauty with the brains. She was brave and bold yet simple and loving.

16th December, 2012, Saket, South Delhi, India

 Surupa - a physiotherapy intern now boarded a private bus with Suraj (name changed) - her best buddy. Bus was practically empty except 5 others and the driver. All 6 of them - under influence of alcohol started calling names to her. They closed the bus door, windows were already tinted in dark color and driver missed their regular turn. Judging the trouble Suraj tried to retaliate but he was beaten up with an iron  rod so much so that he lost his consciousness. 

Then 5 of the 'co-passengers' dragged Surupa on the back seat. Turn by turn they violently raped Surupa while the bus was still moving on the busy streets of Indian Capital.

And then the most inhumane thing happened to her. A - 17th year juvenile amongst them rapped her twice and then inserted an iron rod in her privates, severely damaging her private parts and abdomen and finally he ripped out her intestines with his bare hands. 

Was Jeff (as juvenile of 17th years) smiling at Dr. Norman (as Surupa)? Has destiny given a chance to Jeff to take a revenge on Dr. Norman by giving them birth in a country which treats worst of the worst juvenile criminals as just misguided ones. 

The irony is even if we amend our laws now, juvenile can not be punished as per the new rules because a guilty is punished as per the laws applicable at the time crime had happened and as such you cannot punish twice for a crime committed once. 

Dr. Norman's story might not be true or it could be or something of that sort must have happened otherwise how could one justify just 5 years of remand to the most brutal of the attackers?

Theory of rebirth says, "Aatman (soul) never dies. It just changes its body as we change our cloths. It carries all its un-tallied PAAP (sins) and PUNYA (virtues) from previous birth to its next birth"

Even Lord Krishna had to pay for his sins as Rama when Rama unethically killed Vanara king Bali by hiding behind Bali's brother Sugreeva and lord Krishna got killed by an arrow of a mere hunter (rebirth of Bali).

Now the main question is, does this mean that juvenile's punishment is justified? NO. A BIG NO. Because Dr. Norman's act is not 'present' world's responsibility but Nirbhaya is and we should do all that is possible to avoid re-occurrence of such incidence.

I feel the best way to curb such hideous acts is to have severe punishment. May be to clinically castrate (along with the penis of) the guilty. His punishment is to have a life in which he is not a man enough to perform such act, even with his lawful wife (if he has one).

I mean if morals can't at least the fear of punishment should stop such crimes.

Finally to conclude, is the theory of rebirth irrelevant?   The answer is no. It is for the wise amongst us. It teaches us a lesson that 'do not commit any such act/s you can not afford to pay for'.